Updated: Apr 24, 2022

Since the introduction of the newer Companies Act, 2016 (“CA2016”) to replace the preceding the Companies Act, 1965 (“CA2016”) with effect of 31 January 2017, much notable changes have been made. One of them is regarding the various statutory forms that are mandatory for companies to submit/receive.

Description​Forms under CA1965 (Form)Forms under CA2016 (Section)Explanation
Certificate of incorporation915*Notice of Registration
17**Certificate of incorporation
Certificate of incorporation on Change of Name of Company1328*Certificate on change of company name
Return of allotment of shares2414Particulars of initial paid-up shares and capital for a newly incorporated company
78Additional paid-up shares and capital
Form of transfer of securities32A105Particulars of transfer of shares
51Register of members shows latest shareholding of members
Registered office4414Registered office address for a newly incorporated company
46(3)Notification for change in registered office
Particulars of Directors, Managers and Secretaries4914Particulars of first directors for a newly incorporated company
58 & 236(2)Particulars of first company secretary for a newly incorporated company
58Notification of change(s) in the Register of Directors, Managers and Secretaries. It must be read together with Section 14, Section 236(2) and/or Form 49
Memorandum and Articles of AssociationM&AConstitutionExisting M&A is still valid and enforceable under CA216. Companies may choose to abolish it or substitute it with a Constitution. Constitution is optional for companies incorporated under CA2016.


* issued by SSM

** optional to purchase.